Creating Skills for life

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is credit granted for skills and knowledge you have gained through prior study, work and other experience.  For example, your current knowledge may be the result of a combination of formal and informal training, together with work experience (paid and unpaid) or even everyday life experiences such as your participation in clubs, hobbies and other activities.

Such credit might reduce the length of time required to complete your qualification.  To undertake RPL, you will be required to provide sufficient evidence of your skills and knowledge aligned to the units for which you wish to seek RPL.  Your skills and knowledge will be assessed against Australian qualifications and Australian industry standards. 


How to apply for RPL

To apply for RPL complete the following steps:

  1. Indicate your intention to apply for RPL when you complete your APTC Course Acceptance letter.
  2. On receipt of the Acceptance Letter, APTC will send you the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Application and Information Form.  Complete and bring this to the Course Orientation Session together with your RPL evidence (such as your resume, references from previous employers or supervisors, position descriptions, certificates or other documents relating to previous study and training courses, etc).
  3. At the Orientation Session ask your Trainer to arrange a time to discuss your RPL application.
  4. After your RPL interview, the Trainer will then review and assess your RPL Application and let you know if your application has been successful.
  5. If you have been granted RPL, the Trainer will develop an Individual Training and Assessment Plan for you showing the remaining training you need to complete the qualification.

NOTE: RPL is not awarded for partial units of competency. The minimum RPL you can apply for is a full unit of competency

Cost of RPL

If following the process above, no additional fees apply for RPL.


Applying for RPL assessment without enrolling in a course

You can apply for RPL as a separate process, without applying to enrol in a course at APTC. Contact the APTC Country Office nearest you to discuss this process. There is a fee for this service that varies depending on the course and the RPL interview/assessment process.

APTC is an Australian Government initiative in partnership with the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

APTC is implemented by TAFE Queensland (RTO 0275)

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